
Tales of Argosa

Created by Pickpocket Press

A Sword & Sorcery Emergent Play Adventure Game, for Groups & Solo. ** Note: Shipping for physical products will be charged via Backerkit in a later Pledge Manager survey, closer to distribution. For shipping estimates please see our Kickstarter page.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

First Adventure Unlocked!
4 months ago – Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 04:24:04 AM

Alrighty Gamers - I've decided it makes more sense to split the Second Stretch Goal in half. What does that mean?   

It means the FIRST ADVENTURE HAS UNLOCKED !!! (USD 30,000)

All Backers will now receive the following bonus items: 

  1. Free PDF of Adventure Framework #69 - HOUSE OF CROWS (working title)
  2. With a Print at Cost code for DTRPG for the 11' x 8.5' Premium Colour Softcover (assuming 20 pages, approx USD 4.80).

What is House of Crows about? Well, all I'll say for now is that Argosa includes an ancient Second Age civilization known as the Ramorans, who mummified their dead and buried them in ornate underground tombs...   

In the past, our adventures have been PDF only (excluding the two Adventure Framework Collection books). Going forward however we intend to make each Adventure Framework available in both PDF and Print via DTRPG, similar to our prototype of AF #68 Caverns of Shennog:

THANK YOU AGAIN EVERYONE FOR YOUR SUPPORT! The Second Adventure (USD 35,000) isn't far now - I hope I can reveal more about it very soon !!

4 months ago – Sat, Mar 09, 2024 at 02:14:13 PM

Stretch Goal #1 has unlocked!! 

All Backers will be receiving a free GM Screen PDF!!!

This will be four panels in a landscape format, similar to the one in Low Fantasy Gaming Deluxe, which you can print out and slot into your favourite holder (not unlike the below):

 Or indeed tape it onto an old GM Screen which I have also done lol!

Ye Olde Shadowrun Screen. It actually worked super well.

I've reached out to Daniel Comerci already who made our LFG Deluxe Screen - hopefully he has capacity to do it, and I'll provide an update shortly. I would also LOVE to add another four panels of art to slot into the outside of the screen too, depending on final budget. 

THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT - I'm super pumped to bring this to life and get those Argosa Adventures flowing!!!  

4 months ago – Fri, Mar 08, 2024 at 03:11:50 PM


Holy shit THANK YOU SO MUCH everyone for your support!! - I absolutely cannot wait to get Argosa made and at your table!! :DD

Right now I'm looking at adding a reward for PDF + dice + cards, and how to do an add on for extra books for those who would like them. Will have that all sorted later today (Sydney time!)

And next is of course Stretch Goals, which I've been careful to keep very reasonable in terms of my workload, and what can be commissioned to others. I'll share more on these soon!