
Tales of Argosa

Created by Pickpocket Press

A Sword & Sorcery Emergent Play Adventure Game, for Groups & Solo. ** Note: Shipping for physical products will be charged via Backerkit in a later Pledge Manager survey, closer to distribution. For shipping estimates please see our Kickstarter page.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

June Update - Playtest v7, Pledge Manager, and Pre-Order Store :)
17 days ago – Sat, Jun 15, 2024 at 01:59:31 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

about 2 months ago – Sun, May 05, 2024 at 02:43:34 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

3 months ago – Sun, Apr 07, 2024 at 04:47:28 AM

HOLY HELL! Tales of Argosa well & truly funded!!

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support - I'm super pumped to get the hardcover, dice, and cards out to you, plus the stretch goal bonuses! 

Speaking of bonuses I have one more as a special thank you. All Backers will have the opportunity to pick up our Adventure Journal at cost (approx USD 15.80) via Lulu in the coming months. The journal has not been released to the public. I actually made it for my own solo gaming - but I'm certain it'll work equally well for group play, GM notes, adventure ideas, etc. I had a look around the internet prior to making it, but couldn't quite find what I wanted. So basically it's a compact journal, with mostly blank space for writing, drawing, etc, but dappled with (what I consider!) inspiring fantasy illustrations. I went with the square shape and spiral spine to save space at the table - it can fold back on itself :) Details wise it's full colour, 7.5" by 7.5", 140 pages, light parchment background with an illustration on every page (total of fifty different illustrations, each illo appears roughly three times throughout). 

Naturally I've been working on ToA's master file these last few days, most recently adding tables to randomly generate magic items :D As noted in my last update, I've also recently added revised Mass Battle and Naval Combat rules (including Blackpowder Weapons option).   

As with my prior projects, I'll be posting updates at least once every month, starting at the end of this month and onwards until completion. I'm in the process of finalising the Creative Commons licence, Affinity Publisher template doc, and setting up the Pledge Manager with Backerkit - more about those next post. 

And that's the latest for now folks :) Again, my deep appreciation for your belief and support in Argosa - I'm so looking forward to getting in new art and showing it off in Playtest PDF v6 !! 

As always happy to answer questions here or on our Discord. I hope you have an excellent rest of your weekend :)       

3 months ago – Thu, Apr 04, 2024 at 04:27:42 PM


I'm already in talks with High Technomancer Dab about a Foundry module and this is the plan so far:  

  1. Base design similar to our existing Low Fantasy Gaming module. 
  2. Player Character Sheet including such things as AC based on equipped armours, Auto updating modifiers & GS/FT numbers, Roll automation including diminishing Luck, Rest automation, Weapons automation with targeting & option for auto rolling damage, Spell casting automation with DMM & Divine Rebukes.
  3. Custom Initiative for both side based and LFG style individual initiative. 
  4. All Item sheets (including spells).  
  5. NPC sheets including bosses and heavies, which will tie in with Initiative.
  6. Oracle Cards & Dice - all indications are we can incorporate the Deck of Signs and Consult the Bones dice oracles into the module :D

Naturally I haven't forgotten about Roll20 and I'll be looking to revamp the existing Low Fantasy Gaming sheet for ToA. Also of course I'll look into Owlbear Rodeo, although from my experiences with Owlbear, I dont think I'll need to do anything much given it's quite minimalist. 


Yes I’ve been working away on the master file during March with rules tweaks and new material that will be included in the final book. So far I've added revised Mass Battle rules (focusing on the “spotlight” method from LFG Deluxe), and Naval Combat rules (streamlined resolution, simpler ships, and moving more quickly to boarding). Playtesting these variants right now, but I expect to release them to Backers for feedback very shortly in Playtest PDF v6 :) He's a bit of a preview below with some art from the excellent Christian Sloan! 

And speaking of new art, here's some from industry veteran Marcin! 

These two spreads are great examples of the kinds of "scene" art I will be commissioning for ToA - and only possible because of your support for which I am eternally grateful! 


I'll have the Creative Commons licence sorted out by the end of April, along with an Affinity Publisher template that will mimic our layout and format for those who might like to produce similar looking material. I do need to investigate some loose ends on that front but it's getting there. 

So far I've used eight pages of the extra twenty for the final book. If you have specific material you'd like included please let me know here or on our Discord so I can consider it! At present the front runners are: Mooaar Tables (solo or otherwise), a short section on 5e & OSE conversion, and Race as Class options.

And that's the latest - holy cow only 3 days to go - I do have a little surprise up my sleeve as a special thank you at the end - hehehe can't wait to reveal it - I can indicate it will be a "print at cost" style reward for those who might like it - but I will say no more! 

My thanks again to all, have a fantastic end of week!!    

Second Adventure Unlocked!!
3 months ago – Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 02:52:48 PM


I can't take the suspense any longer - we've been hovering around USD 35000 for a few days and I'm calling it!

All Backers will now receive the following bonus items: 

  1. Free PDF of Adventure Framework #70 - RUINS OF KADIMOS (working title)
  2. With a Print at Cost code for DTRPG for the 11' x 8.5' Premium Colour Softcover (assuming 20 pages, approx USD 4.80).

I'm super pleased to announce that GM to the Stars Jason Hobbs of Mr Hobbs Gamerhood will be writing this adventure - with illustrations and cartography by the excellent James Richards!! 

For those unfamiliar with the Argosa setting, Kadimos was a recent settlement of the expansionist Nydissians, that was sacked by a combination of hostile skorn, barbarians, and Argosan forces... What remains of her ruins deep in the Trackless Moors? The adventure will include procedurally generated surface ruins, plus an underground dungeon to explore. Jason and James are both enjoying Gary Con right now (bastards!!) so I don't have art for this specific adventure to show off - but here's an example of James' prior work :DD


Yes it took me a while but very happy to report I figured out how to make hardcovers an Add On - so if you have a gaming group and want 3-4 copies of the book, it'll be cheaper to do it using Add Ons to save on shipping, and those $$ will count towards stretch goals ;)


Are you familiar with the art of Zarono aka Bryan Reagan? Well you will be!! I've been a fan for a long time - and now I've managed to bag some of his great illo's for Argosa!! Yeeeep I've just added these sweet babies to our master file!! I'm sure you'll agree Bryan's work is tip top and I hope to work with him more in the future - I think his beasties will fit into our adventures perfectly! :D


Great news - we've locked Daniel Comerci in for the GM Screen - and I'm working on the tables as I type this. Well not literally but you know what I mean. Will keep you posted on how it's progressing :) If you have particular things you want on the screen let me know in the comments or on Discord etc - keen to have your feedback!   


I've got some more art previews coming soon, holy shit I can't wait to share these with you!! And now of course it's onto the VTT Support. I'm quietly confident we'll reach USD 40,000 by the end of the campaign, and am already in talks with High Technomancer Dab about options for Foundry. I have to say it's sounding FRICKIN' NICE peeps - and looks like we'll be able to incorporate the Deck of Signs and Consult the Bones dice - booyeah!! :DD

OH AND WHAT IS THIS Y'ALL - look what I found - a frickin' sweet looking dwarven dungeon crawl that I expect would work super nice with Argosa! Yes yes I know it says 5e on there - but just swap out the monster stats & treasure tables and it's game time! Publisher Earl of Fife Games tells me Dungeons Deep has GM & player facing chapters, is good for low levels, has handouts and battlemaps, and a bunch of new subclasses, backgrounds, & feats - plus corruption rules! I mean who doesn't like corruption rules, am I right?? The Pre-launch page is now up if you'd like to follow along.  

And that's it for now folks - THANK YOU FOR YOUR ONGOING SUPPORT - it's so energizing to see and makes me excited to show off new art! I hope to be able to share more about VTT very soon :) If you get a chance to share the campaign in your fav circle I'd certainly appreciate it. I wish I could have been at Gary Con... Ah well, perhaps next year!